Industry Consulting
“Making Cool Guns Cooler, Making Good Products Better”
Contact [email protected] for details on consulting.
American Fighting Revolver (AFR) Darryl Bolke and Bryan Eastridge have been involved behind the scenes in product development for the last two decades. Most recently they have consulted with Lipsey's and several major gun companies to build and deliver the gun's people want. AFR have also made numerous inputs to the holster and secondary support product market. Get ahold of AFR to make your idea an industry success!
See Examples Below
In 2024 AFR consulted with Lipsey's Wholesale to finalize the development of the (video link) Ultimate Carry J Frame series.
In 2025 the next generation of the UC-Ti featured the grips AFR designed in conjunction with Hamre Forge.
The DB “Force Option” design Holsters from Wilderness Tactical and leather version from Simply Rugged Leather.
Hamre Forge AFR “Under Cover” Boot Grips