The DB Files
Thoughts on Single Action Fighting Revolvers
Guns Magazine Podcast with Brent Wheat- ‘Is the .32 Better Than The .44 Mag?’
Some thoughts on the legendary 125gr. .357 Magnum
Thoughts on Rimfire Defensive Revolvers
Maintenance Monday Cautionary K Frames
Pound Adoption S&W Model 28-2 4” .357 Magnum
Department of State Diplomatic Security Service S&W 2.5″ Model 19
Setting Up a Revolver for Dry Practice
The “Why” of Pocket Carry
The “Why” of Pocket Carry DB One of the things that I have adopted extensive use of since retirement from Law Enforcement in 2007 and moving to life as basically a simple citizen trying to avoid being a crime victim or working sensitive security jobs is pocket carry of snub revolvers as my base…
Read MoreThe Perfect ‘Rule 1’ Gun
The Perfect ‘Rule 1′ Gun DB I have always been a huge fan of following the ideas of “The Perfect Trail Gun” from Skeeter Skelton, and “The Perfect Packing Pistol” by John Taffin. It sings to my love of big bore revolvers. As a pure urban animal, my idea of camping is renting a…
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